Meet our Experts
Please use the form for inquiries about our health and safety services.
Jacques Boissy, President
Scott Wodinsky, Senior HSE Specialist

Scott is our SENIOR HSE Specialist.
He is our go to guy for all random things, he is like a personal encylopedia because of his vast knowledge in several areas. And that is in addition to being a Journeyman Carpenter.
Well in modern days I guess we could say Our In Person “Google.” Ask him anything, he knows it, or will find the answer!
C: (250) 540-3137
E: [email protected]

Philippe is our SENIOR HSE Specialist.
He has over 24 years experience in managing health and safety departments.
This includes but is not limited to heavy construction industry, heavy lifting (cranes), refineries, and mining.
Extensive experience in business development and fully bilingual (almost tri).
Effective and skilled in team building, management, and supervisory coaching.
C: 514-715-7939
Shauna Schneider, Corporate Office Manager
Shauna is our corporate glue- She holds the fort together and keeps us on our toes.
Things get done efficiently and fast. We love her support.
Picture of Shauna coming soon!
P: (780) 263-8397
F: (855) 541-0229
E: [email protected]
Evelyne Boissy, Project Coordinator/ HSE Administrator

Evelyne is fully bilingual. Having grown up in Quebec, and moving to the west side of Canada she quickly adapted and excelled in English as her second language.
With her passion to excel, she is informative and quick to help in any area.
Evelyne raises the bar when it comes to team leadership and productivity.
On her downtime, you will find her sipping on Bubble Tea.
C: (250) 540-3545
F: (855) 541-0229
E: [email protected]