Audits & Incident Investigation

It can be a confusing and stressful time during the aftermath of any workplace safety-related incident. Thankfully, the compassionate and professional team at Woodstock Constructors can streamline the entire process in an efficiently organized manner. We can help facilitate the remedial actions necessary after a safety incident occurs.

We measure our success by the health and safety of your team. In order to ensure that similar incidents never take place again in the future, we can complement the investigation process.  By scrutinizing the details of the incident, we can determine where the safety measure failed. Woodstock Constructors’ experienced team offers an array of personalized audits that are specific to the client’s specifications and needs.

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for more information on safety audits and incident investigation services.

Partners in Injury Reduction Program (PIR)

The PIR program consists of developing effective safety, health and disability management systems in order to prevent injuries. It’s a voluntary program that is offered from the combined efforts of industry partners along with Alberta Human Resources and Employment and the Workers’ Compensation Board of Alberta. Other programs exist throughout Canada.

The premise of PIR is based on the concept that when workers and employers come together to develop these effective management systems; the financial and human costs associated with workplace illness and injuries can be reduced. Click here for more information about the program.

Benefits of programs like PIR Include:

  • Improved job satisfaction and sense of employee well-being
  • Improved productivity of team members
  • Minimized direct and indirect accident cost
  • Establishing a reputation as a safety leader
  • Improving performance of your workforce
  • Insurance and WCB savings

Certificate of Recognition (COR)

Certificate of Recognition (COR) is a vital component to the PIR program offered by WCB and an important component of the Alberta Human Resources and Employment’s Partnerships program. Employers who have successfully implemented a basic workplace safety and health management system are eligible to be issued a Certificate of Recognition. Other programs may exist outside of Alberta which apply to your business.

In order to be effective, the following essentials are taken into consideration:

  • Hazard identification and control
  • Commitment to company policy and management
  • Continuous inspections
  • Qualifications of employees, training, and orientation
  • Emergency response
  • Incident investigation
  • Administration of program