Construction job sites are considered to be among some of the most treacherous work environments. Dealing with loud noises, heavy equipment constantly moving around, unprotected heights and debris everywhere is a lot to be conscious of all the time. You will be able to take comfort knowing that the professional team Woodstock Constructors come equipped with the knowledge and training to keep your workers safe in such a busy atmosphere.
Woodstock Constructors is dedicated to conducting conspicuous, top-quality construction and safety programming in order to benefit everyone who within the realm of your job site. We facilitate effective training methods that establish cooperation, safe work methods, coordination and communication with others. Our knowledgeable team of professionals is ready to discuss any safety issues as they occur and help you make positive and lasting changes to amend any potential flaws in your current health and safety program.

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for more information about our construction and job site safety training, programs, and support services.
Heavy Equipment Concerns
The tools and heavy equipment utilized on a job site can be extremely hazardous. Woodstock Constructors understands the importance of matching our client’s up with the right personnel. We can arrange proper training for all employees regarding power tool management and job site procedures including Fall Protection Safety Training.
Tripping Hazards
Unfortunately, tripping is a common incident occurrence at job sites due to the copious amount of tools and debris. This can be particularly dangerous when uneven ground or operating machinery is involved. Good housekeeping practices can help eliminate tripping hazards. Woodstock Constructors can assist in coordinating workers to help you keep everything organized, tidy and most importantly, safe.
Falling Hazards
Having your crew know how much slack is required in the lanyard and how to properly anchor or attach a lifeline can be the difference between life and death. Falling is the number one cause of death at construction sites. Let us help you and your team avoid becoming another tragic statistic.
Power Tools
Mistakes can occur when an operator has not received the proper training on their equipment. Working long shifts can additionally lead to exhaustion and complacency. Woodstock Constructors is here for you in all aspects. We offer any workplace safety training that you require. As well, we have extra personnel ready to go if your crew is working too many overtime hours.